• Security Consultancy
  • Security Risk Assessment
  • Threat Assessment
  • Fire & Emergency Evacuation Training

Security Risk Assessments

When one thinks of Risk Assessments, one must there¬fore think of any number of underlying elements that go into the evaluation. These might include:

  • What is the risk (or threat)?
  • What are you trying to protect?
  • What is the criticality?
  • What/who are the potential actors?
  • What are their intentions?
  • What are their relevant capabilities?
  • Where and what are the relevant weaknesses?
  • What are our options to eliminate or mitigate those weaknesses?

Security Risk management is "a systematic, analytical process to consider the likelihood that a threat will harm an asset or individuals and to identify actions that reduce the risk and mitigate the con¬sequences of an attack or event."

With 30 years security and risk management experience CRMI can provide the Security Risk Management services you require.

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